Saturday: Easter Egg Hunt at our church with two of the grandbabes. We all sang songs, heard the Easter Story and then it was outside in the sunshine. Laney was best pleased with her haul -- she found a 'gy-nor-mous' (her description) egg loaded with chocolates!

Her big brother, Joe, may not have found the 'gy-nor-mous' egg - but, he made up for it with quantity! They both left with baskets/buckets loaded with candy/Easter trinkets and their tummys filled with cookies and punch provided by the 'church ladies'.
Sunday: After church and a ham lunch - another Easter Egg Hunt at MoMo & Papa Bill's house -with their own decorated eggs and there might have been a few plastic eggs filled with money too. MoMo & Papa Bill worked out a deal with the Easter Bunny for those special eggs.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Rain, rain, and more rain. Over 2 inches of much needed rain put a small dent in our drought here on the Southern Plains. And, for that we are truly grateful.