Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Good Reads X 3

I've seen the book 'In the Woods' on book club lists for a year or more - intrigued, I googled 'Tana French' - read her bio and some reviews of her books.  Ordered the book from my favorite book   website* and entered 'The Woods'.  Over the past month or so, I've tried to explain my love for this book to my family and friends - and the word that keeps popping into my head is savor  (definition below):

sa·vor   noun

1. the quality in a substance that affects the sense of taste or of smell.
2. a particular taste or smell.
3. distinctive quality or property.
4. power to excite or interest.
Number 4 -- yes that's it exactly!  From the first page 'In the Woods' had me hooked - so much so, that I immediately ordered her 2nd book: 'The Likeness'; and, after reading just a few pages, I placed an order for 3rd book:  'Faithful Place'.  I'm half way through the third book and this week, will most likely order her newest book from Amazon, Broken Harbor released July 2012 (Better World Books doesn't have it in stock yet). 
Good Reads X 3 indeed !  

*  - books at good prices, no shipping costs and the money goes to literacy programs throughout the world. 

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